Many people have a hard life, but never be afraid to dream. Perseverance and hard work will help achieve every goal.
Interesting facts Jevgeniya:
I have dreamed of becoming a veterinarian since childhood and have never had any doubts about my choice of profession
my lovely dog goes to work with me every day and always supports me
Life motto:
Stop complaining and just do it.
Education and courses:
Graduated from the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science at the Estonian University of Natural Sciences in 2013.
After graduation, I worked for 5 years in the pet clinic at the university and gained a lot of experience with the help of one of the best specialists in Estonia, as well as through self-study.
Every year I supplement my knowledge and practical experience at various conferences and courses. The most important additional training I have completed is the EVECCS Congress 2015 in France, the intensive practical course of ultrasound diagnostics in the framework of the annual national conference Veterinaarmeditsiin 2015 in Estonia, the BSAVA Congress 2016 in the UK, as well as in 2016 a 6-week practice in the Department of Visual Diagnostics of the clinic of the University of Giessen. Liebig in Germany.
Since summer of 2018, I have been working at the Haabersti Pet Clinic. Since then, I have attended the national conferences NVC 2018 and 2019 in Moscow and passed a 3-day intensive master class on ultrasound diagnostics of domestic and exotic animals at the Innovative Veterinary Center of the Moscow Veterinary Academy named after K. I. Scriabina.
In addition, I take various online courses from various countries to improve my skills.
Helped to create the first Cat Friendly Clinic in Estonia and the Baltic States