+372 50 80 660 Õismäe tee 115A, Tallinn
Mon-Fri: 10-18 | Sat, Sun: closed
Haabersti Loomakliinik
+372 50 80 660 Õismäe tee 115A, Tallinn
Mon-Fri: 10-18 | Sat, Sun: closed

Endocrine diseases of cats

+372 50 80 660 Õismäe tee 115A, Tallinn
Mon-Fri: 10-18 | Sat, Sun: closed
11 February 2024
Regulations on transportation of animals Rus/Est/eng

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11 December 2023
Endocrine Disorders in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment

Endocrine Disorders in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment Endocrine disorders mainly occur in older dogs. Such conditions require special attention and ...

22 November 2023
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31 October 2023
Tumors in Cats

For any pet owner, a benign tumor in a cat is a frightening diagnosis, not to mention oncology. But there's no need to despair. Qualified surgeons ca...

31 October 2023
Animal Microchipping

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31 October 2023
Tumors in Dogs

Tumors are common diseases in dogs. Without timely treatment, they can lead to the death of the animal. Dog cancer treatment has made significant str...

29 October 2023
Worms in cats: symptoms and treatment

Helminthiasis is one of the most common problems in domestic animals. Worms are periodically found in 80% of cats, regardless of their diet and acces...

29 October 2023

Peritonitis in cats, or feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), is a severe disease accompanied by health disturbances. Experienced veterinarians classi...

29 October 2023

Cats, like humans, can suffer from various infectious diseases. Some of them are quite severe and require long-term, and sometimes lifelong, treatmen...

29 October 2023
Eye diseases in cats

Cat eye diseases are a common problem. However, many owners may not pay attention when their pet squints or rubs them. Without proper cat eye infecti...

29 October 2023
Worms in Dogs

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29 October 2023
Eye Diseases in Dogs

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11 July 2023
 Traveling to the Veterinary Clinic with Your Cat

How to Reduce Stress during Your Visit Every cat needs occasional check-ups at the veterinarian. Prevention of most diseases is easier, cheaper, a...

11 July 2023
 How to Give Pills to Your Cat

Using medication in the form of pills can cause stress for your cat, as not many cats are willing to swallow pills on their own. Nevertheless, it is ...

11 July 2023
Cats and Infants

Having a baby will turn your life upside down, requiring you to adapt to the needs of a helpless little person. Taking care of an infant often consum...

11 July 2023
Ensuring Safety in Cat and Small Child Playtime

Cat behavior and well-being specialist (and the newest member of the iCatCare team), Dr. Sarah Ellis, addressed the coexistence issue of cats and inf...

20 April 2021
Endocrine diseases in cats and dogs

Cats have high predisposition to the endocrine system disorders, which lead to important changes of the whole body and therefore, bringing quality of...

4 February 2021
Why and how to train your сat to recall

Why is training your cat to recall useful? Training pets to come to us when called is something that we generally associate with the training of d...

4 February 2021
Training a cat to use a carrier: a four-stage approach

Many owners would cite difficulty getting a cat into a carrier as a reason not to visit the vet, or a reason that the visit is stressful. Giving ...

Diabetes mellitus is the most common disease of the endocrine system in cats. Adult and aged cats are susceptible The most common reason of this pathology is obesity. Therefore, it is very important for owners to monitor their weight, avoid overeating, and if necessary, use diet food, as well as increase physical activity. The second factor in the development of diabetes is any inflammatory process in the body that causes insulin resistance. Quite often diabetes is a result of chronic pancreatitis. In older cats, the cause of diabetes can also be a malignant process. Sometimes diabetes in cats can be caused by long-term use of corticosteroids. Acromegaly can also be the cause of diabetes. 

The main symptoms of diabetes are increased fluid intake and urination, weight loss, and increased appetite. Diagnosis of this disease is carried out on the spot, in the clinic, and does not take much time. This includes a detailed medical history, a thorough examination, complete blood count, biochemistry, urinalysis, and ultrasound. Treatment, if there are no complications at the time of diagnosis, as well as comorbidities, is carried out by the homeowners. Daily subcutaneous insulin shots and blood sugar control once a week until sugar stabilizes, diet are required. 

If you go to the clinic in advance and before complications, and follow all the recommendations of the doctor, as well as in the absence of concomitant diseases, the prognosis is very favorable – until the full recovery

Hyperthyroidism is the second most common disease of the feline endocrine system. Older cats (7+) are susceptible to it. It is caused by hyperplasia of the thyroid gland, and very rarely by carcinoma of the thyroid gland. This pathology releases into the blood a large amount of thyroid hormone (T4). It has a detrimental effect on the entire body, especially on the cardiovascular system, leading to hypertension, heart disease and subsequently to heart failure. Since this pathology appears in older cats, it often masks chronic kidney disease, to which cats, unfortunately, also have a high predisposition. 

The main symptoms of hyperthyroidism are increased appetite and weight loss, vocalization, restlessness, aggressive behavior, dull coat, profuse defecation, and sometimes diarrhea. Diagnosis is made on-site at the clinic and does not take much time. This includes a detailed history, a thorough examination, a complete blood count, biochemistry, a specific T4 test, urinalysis to assess kidney function, blood pressure measurement, a chest X-ray and/or ultrasound if a cardiac problem is suspected, and a specific test indicating cardiac abnormality – proBNP. 

Today there are 3 options for the treatment of hyperthyroidism: taking pills for life (the most common and cheapest way), a special diet (more complicated, since cats are often quite picky about food) and iodine therapy (conducted in Finland, requires a long hospital, a very expensive treatment). In the past, thyroidectomy, a surgical method of treatment, was also used, but is now used very rarely, as it has many side effects and is not being performed in Estonia. 

As diabetes, if you go to the clinic in time and follow all the doctor’s recommendations, hyperthyroidism is perfectly under control; well-being, behavior and appearance significantly improve, and serious complications are prevented. 

Keep a close eye on your pets and pay attention to any changes in their behavior and well-being, so that we can help them together in time